Have something to retire to, not something to retire from

Achieving your retirement goals can start by asking yourself these simple seven questions;

1.       How will I spend my time?

2.       What do I really like to do?

3.       What will keep me motivated?

4.       Will my finances support my vision of retirement?

5.       Do I want a second career?

6.       What about working part-time?

7.       How will my family be affected?

Coming up with the answers for some may be easier than others, but having a clear idea of what you want during retirement will shape how you live today in order to achieve those goals. Make a list of the things you like to do in your current job, your favourite hobbies & favourite activities.

The things that you enjoy & what makes you happy, will be your driving force to have the freedom to do more of in later life.

Research shows that working provides several benefits such as income, time management, a sense of purpose and feeling useful. Your life structure during retirement should provide you with at least three of these things to give you a feeling of satisfaction

Retirement doesn’t need to be a leap of faith, the sooner you start to plan, the less stressful and impact it will have on your daily life. Saving for retirement in your 20’s will have a much lower monthly financial commitment than someone who starts saving in their 50’s as they have much more time to do so.

No matter your age, its never too early or too late to speak to one of our Independent Financial Advisors to help you reach your retirement goals. Maybe you want more time with family, maybe its being able to retire earlier than state pension age of 67 or maybe its being able to holiday abroad with grandchildren every year.

At The Money Partnership, a chat cost nothing. We can help create a plan to make sure your hard-earned money is working for you so it’s not a question of if you can retire, it’s the answer that you can retire.


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