Pension Advice Near Me

Pension tax rules in the UK can be complicated, but if you don’t know the basics, you could end up handing over more than you need to the taxman.

It’s always important to speak to a Pension Advisor and here at The Money Partnership, we have a highly qualified team of Independent Financial Advisors with over 20 years of experience helping clients with Pension Advice.

The impact of Pensions

It’s estimated that by 2030, at least 1 in 5 people will be over the age of 65. With an ever-growing life expectancy in the UK, it’s more important than ever to consider how you want your retirement to look like.

Ask yourself how much money you would require on a monthly basis to cover all your debts, bills, food and necessities and if you will still have a mortgage or rent to pay. Then you need to consider your lifestyle – do you want to be able to go on multiple trips and holidays each year? Do you want to be able to take your grandchildren on day trips and treat them on their birthdays and Christmas without worrying if you can afford to do so?

Now you will start to realise that a State Pension alone will not be able to fund both your must-haves and wants in retirement.

The Gender Pension Gap

Research reveals that throughout the UK, there is almost a 50% gap in the values of men and women’s pensions. This means women are expected to retire on nearly half the income compared to their male counterparts. Women often take time out of the work place to bring up children or care for elderly relatives but one of the biggest factors is the gender pay gap and until this is truly addressed, women will continue to lose out on their full Pension potential.

Lost Pensions, are they worth finding?

1.6 million lost pension pots with £19.4 billion could remain unclaimed with moving house or employers being the main reasons behind people losing touch with their pensions. The Government estimate that there could be as many as 50 million dormant and unclaimed pensions by 2050!

When should I start saving?

Yesterday. You are never too young to start saving for retirement and you’re never too old to try to get a plan in place and see what retirement looks like for you. At The Money Partnership, a chat costs nothing so speaking with one of our Pension Advisors won’t cost you anything other than your time. If you are happy to accept with our advice, any fees will be presented to you, and you can make an informed decision on whether you wish to proceed or not.

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